We have come to that point in the semester where we can see the end coming closer. It causes a feeling of relief and panic all at once.
Classes are either going well or have exponentially declined in grades. Those classes that have plummeted to the depths of failure, or what you consider failure, become the utmost importance veering toward the top of students’ priority lists.
Too many skipped classes? Too many times you procrastinated studying? All of it adding up and leading to uncertainty of getting a grade you want.
The end of the semester seems so far, but it is closer than we think, and now is the time to fight for that grade to get better. When looking on Pinterest you can find tips to help dig yourself out of the hole.
1. Focus on the hardest course, but not too much
Once you reach this point in the semester, it tends to be all about that one class you hate and need to focus on the most. The one you are doing the worst in becomes the most important, which is a good thought process, but can take a wrong turn if you don’t do it correctly.
You should focus on this class more because there is a reason you are doing the worst in that course. Although, many tend to focus so much on this class and forget that they need to study enough for the other classes they are taking. All of a sudden, you will be doing worse in those classes and better in the class you hate. So, balance the two while focusing more on the difficult course. Also, have a separate time for the other classes as well.

Bring up your low grade to avoid failing.
2. Time Management
Have a specific time for studying for certain classes. If you tend to understand concepts better in one class than another, set aside less time for that class and more time for the other. If you have a big project due in one course, set aside more time for that project.
Be aware of the time it takes you to complete things for each class. It is okay if something takes you hours upon hours as long as you prepare for this and set aside time for that specific class.
3. Be realistic
Students tend to get to a point where they make a whole list of things they will do, but never actually achieve.
If you are realistic with yourself then maybe you will achieve these things. For example, instead of saying study for this and that with no breaks, write a list that includes things you enjoy as well. So, make a list of things to study for this class, watch an episode on Netflix, do this project and eat a snack.
This does not mean skip the studying portions, but rather acknowledge that you will become distracted by social media and life, so plan and reward yourself in doing so.
4. Talk to the professor
The professor sees your grade, so by you saying you are doing well, they know you are lying. Be honest, tell them that you want your grade to be higher and ask how you can do so. Some might even give extra credit and, if not, just give advice on how to bring up your grade.
5. Go to class
This is self-explanatory. Obviously, you should have been going to class all along, but now that you are not doing well you need to start going every day.
This not only gives you the lecture and possible attendance points if those are a thing in your classes, but it also shows your teacher that you want to start doing better.
6. Relax
This could possibly be the most common and most important on the lists compiled together from Pinterest. Students tend to panic once they see their midterm grades and realize how little time they have left to bring this grade up to a better one. Panicking is not good when it comes to grades because you become unrealistic in your goals and think it can happen overnight.
Since an ‘F’ on one thing brings you down a whole letter grade and somehow an ‘A’ on another brings you up less than one percent, you need to plan on what you need to do to bring your grade up to the grade you want.