The human mind is remarkably effective at protecting itself from realities it does not want to accept. This is the greatest obstacle I face when I try to warn people about transhumanism.
I was first introduced to the concept of transhumanism four years ago. I reacted with the same sense of denial that any sane and rational person would when confronted with such a bizarre idea.
However, it quickly became apparent to me that there is a deliberate effort among some of the most powerful members of our society to promote transhumanism.
I think that most people have the intellectual capacity to understand what transhumanism is, but most do not have the emotional capacity to accept the threat it poses to humanity.
I had both the intellectual and emotional capacity to come to terms with this threat.
This knowledge forced me to make a decision: do I protect people from the truth at the expense of leaving them vulnerable to reality, or do I protect them from reality by exposing them to the truth?
For better or worse, I chose the latter. It was not an easy decision and it is one I still ruminate over.
To be honest, I resent the people that are emotionally incapable of coming to terms with transhumanism, because they are not forced to make the same tough decision that I was.
Most of what I wrote for The Spectrum over the past year was related to transhumanism in some capacity, whether people realize it or not.
I knew that my opinions were going to be unpopular and that I would be center of controversy.
But my rationale for exposing people to the truth is that transhumanism is such a serious threat that ultimately it cannot be ignored. Furthermore, I assumed that providing people the truth as early as possible would lead to more favorable solutions for dealing with it.
I knew from the beginning that this last assumption may not necessarily be true, so I admit that this whole endeavor has been a gamble. I seriously question whether it was worth it.
I also knew that I would be required to fill many roles for which I am not qualified. I had to offer my opinion on a variety of subjects, many of which I have no formal education in.
Most importantly, I am not a journalist, so I still struggle with finding ways to frame this issue in ways that are understandable by my intended audience.
However, I am confident that North Dakota State has the necessary resources to properly examine these issues and compensate for any deficiencies I have in these areas.
Just so my intentions are clear, writing for The Spectrum was my attempt to push the subject of transhumanism into more qualified hands.
I am confident that the people of NDSU are intellectually capable of properly examining transhumanism and creating solutions for the myriad of issues that will inevitably result from it.
I am not confident, however, that they are emotionally capable of treating it with the seriousness that it deserves.
I admit that I could have done a better job. At the same time, I ask for people to at least understand the lengths I went through to provide them with this information.
Researching and warning people about transhumanism has been the most time consuming and emotionally exhausting activity I have ever engaged in. This has taken four years out of my life and I have virtually nothing to show for it.
Please do not let this be a wasted effort.