Tips for Unmotivated Seniors

When I was a sophomore and junior here at NDSU, I would often hear seniors talk about this phenomenon they were experiencing called “senioritis.” They explained that they felt extremely unmotivated to do anything in their classes because they “just wanted to be done.” I have recently been experiencing this phenomenon myself. I’ve found that most days I feel very unmotivated to actually do my homework because it almost feels unimportant to me.

Well, if you are suffering from these feelings as well, I have some tips on how you can still succeed despite having no motivation to do so. 

Tip 1: Focus on your accomplishments

College can be really overwhelming and sometimes we get caught up in the negativity. However, we all have accomplished something whether it is big or small. Once a week, write yourself a little affirmation either on a post-it note or a piece of paper. Make a list of all the things you have accomplished in college or your life in general. Reminding yourself of all the good things is a great way to motivate yourself to keep doing things that are great. 

Tip 2: Make time for yourself

This is something that is often forgotten by college students. I totally understand what it’s like to be so busy that you don’t even have a second to breathe. However, in your last year, you should really prioritize your time—especially your personal time. Sometimes, just taking a break from everything can actually re-motivate you. The best way to do this is to designate a specific day or hour when you don’t work on homework and just do something relaxing or fun. Just make time for yourself.

Tip 3: Just keep swimming

Just keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve made it through college for the past 3 years, you can do it for one more. Just remember that you are almost done and that you should finish strong. Even if some days, you just have to do the bare minimum. Keep pushing through. You don’t have to let your motivation overtake you. You can push through it if you really want to. 

Tip 4: Set goals for the future

Take a moment to set some clear goals for after graduation. What’s the first thing you want to do after graduating? Make sure that you don’t make your goals too big or broad. Instead of setting the goal of “getting a job,” start with the first step, like “create my resume.” You could even make goals like “exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.” This is a great goal for those who have been too busy to exercise while in college. You could also do a financial goal like “save $20 from every paycheck.” That money will really add up over time. If you make new goals, you can find a new motivation for something else. 

Tip 5: Enjoy every moment

This is your last year in college! Pretty soon, you’re going to be an adult and off in the world. It’s scary and big. So, enjoy every moment you have left in college. You will never get these wonderful years back, so don’t waste them. Do whatever makes you happy. Hang out with friends, participate in campus events, and even take a walk around the campus for no reason but to just soak it all in. Make it so that when you reminisce about your senior year, you have nothing but happy memories. Don’t let your motivation drag you down or ruin your last year. 

These are some tips that I am currently following in my last year of college. While there are definitely some days where I feel a lack of motivation and that will not go away, I am also trying to make my last year as great as possible. Life is too short not to enjoy it, so don’t let “senioritis” take that away from you.

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