Club Spotlight: Sales Club

This week I have two whole club spotlights! The second club spotlight for the week is on NDSU’s Sales Club. According to the Sales Club PR and communications manager, Elliana Hurtgen, “This club is designed to boost your professional selling skills and open doors to career opportunities.” This job isn’t just for people in marketing or business—this club is for anyone who has a passion for selling anything. Working at Target? Work on your sales skills. Working at a coffee shop? Work on your sales skills. This club offers learning opportunities such as guest speakers, podcasts and competitions. Of course, this club also provides plenty of opportunity for networking—something that is very important for anyone preparing to step out of college and into the workforce. This club meets every other Tuesday at 7 p.m. They will be meeting the Tuesday after this article comes out (Oct. 1), so definitely check them out then. If you have any other questions about this club, you can contact them via Instagram (ndsusales). If you are planning to be a member of this club, register on MyNDSU. Again, no specific major is required. All you need is a passion and a good attitude for sales (or even a desire to obtain those things). Check them out!

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