What are YOU thinking?

Week 007: What’s the worst thing about NDSU?

This week on What are YOU Thinking?, the column where I ask the same question to a random group of students, I wanted to ask something interesting. We all have gripes about NDSU, even those of us who love it here, so I wanted to know what you guys dislike the most about our beloved school. And boy, did you come through!

Q: What’s the worst thing about NDSU?

A: The parking situation. The overselling of the passes, and also the amount of money put into football and never other sports. Plus, the amount of money put into engineering and agriculture instead of literally any other department. – CM

A: Organic chemistry. – AH

A: 8am classes. Morning classes here; I can’t deal with them. – JM

A: The chemistry department. – SL

A: The worst thing is the lack of awareness. Faculty, staff, students, and admin are all facing away from each other in regards to policy. No party knows anything about the struggles the others face, excluding administration, whose only problem is not getting paid to sit in their office enough. – EF

A: Again, the chemistry department. Can you guess what we’re doing homework for? – LB

A: Monotonous professors. – MS

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