What are YOU Thinking?

Week 006: How is the semester going so far?

That’s right my friends, everyone’s favorite column is back: the one written by YOU! In this column, every week I ask a new questions to several randomly selected students in the Union. You guys love it because you get to make your voice heard, and I love it because you do all the work for me (kidding). This week, with almost three weeks of the fall semester under our belts, I wanted to know how you were all holding up.

Q: How is the semester going so far?

A: Good, a little busy trying to get used to it but overall happy to be back with friends. -CCS

A: You know, I can’t complain. It hasn’t been as stressful as last year. -JR

A: Oh, it’s okay. -EF

A: I think it’s exciting to see new faces, but the homework is overwhelming. -NR

A: So far it’s going good. I’m a freshman, and I think it’s easier than high school. -AV

A: (hastily) Pretty good; it’s busy. -ER

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