‘Go big or go home,’ they said; now you’re left with a pounding headache.
Welcome to the week after Homecoming, or, as some may say, the hangover week.
Homecoming was a time to “go big or go home.” It was a time when people didn’t think of headaches, vomiting, exhaustion and the overall hatred of liquor. Also, it was a time that people drank like there was no tomorrow.
Most people have been through their fair share of hangovers, but Homecoming hangovers are a whole new ballgame. So, for those of you who have never been through a hangover or one as bad as the one pounding in your head right now, here are some cures.
Keep in mind, everyone has different hangover cures, so keep trying different things until you find the one that makes you feel like you aren’t going to throw up every time you hear the word tequila, vodka, beer, rum or really just whatever you chose to consume this past weekend.
This is obvious, but it is essential. It is the make or break to your day or next couple days depending, on how hard you went.
Once you wake up, chug two cups of water, and I mean chug them. Get your hydration back as quickly as possible. If you’re nauseated, power through and keep drinking that water because you will thank yourself later.
Hydration is key to getting through this hangover, so keep water by you at all times. If you get tired of the water, try a sports drink. It will help hydrate you too. Make sure to start out with water though, not Gatorade or Powerade. The flavor first thing in the morning might remind you of the weekend before, so beware.
Fast food
McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, Subway, whatever your choice is, make it fast. Make sure to buy a lot. It might sound nauseating at first, but once you take that first bite your stomach will thank you.
Just do not choose Chick-fil-A; the food is too good. You need something cheap and fast, rather than something that tastes at least somewhat healthy.
Fast food is the quickest go-to food after a weekend like you may have just had. It is the cheapest too, so it makes up for all that money you spent at the liquor store or at the bars.
Take it slow with the food you got. The last thing you need is a stomachache on top of the hangover. So, get a lot of food, but take your time eating it.
If you’re not feeling the vibe of fast food, try pizza. This is even better because you don’t have to leave your bed other than having to get up to go to the door. Remember that most people will be getting a pizza today, so tip your delivery driver nicely.
Make sure it is a greasy pizza. Just in case you end up throwing the pizza up, try to avoid ruining your favorite type of pizza.
Do not order the specialty pizzas. You want something basic. Too many toppings are too risky for a disaster to happen and for the food to upset your stomach more than it already is.
If you’re really feeling up to going out, Kroll’s, Denny’s, Perkins, IHOP, etc. are the places to go. Anywhere you can get breakfast, lunch and dinner at any time of day is the perfect hangover hot spot.
You will probably run into a lot of older people having brunch, but also a lot of hungover people, especially college students.
These places allow you to mix up what you eat to find that perfect hangover cure. Try nachos, pancakes, French toast, fried pickles, omelets, sandwiches, cheese curds, etc. Diners have it all, except for expensive food, but the last thing hungover college students need to do is spend more money.
After you have finally kept down some food and a decent amount of water (to the point where after five minutes you do not have a completely dry mouth), take some medicine.
Whether it is Motrin or Advil, take some medicine to ease that headache. This will help calm your pounding head, so you can finally sleep again.
After drinking water and eating some food, go back to bed. Avoid any human contact, crawl back into bed and sleep the hangover away.
If you wake up again and still feel as though you are not 100 percent, just go back to bed. Do not feel bad about “wasting the day away” as some may say because after Homecoming week, the hangovers are mixed with sleep deprivation.