This could be you and your friends having a great time. You’d just have cooler costumes.
Devils in the outfield
For this group costume, you’ll need four vampire costumes. Anything from Edward to Dracula will do, as long as it gets the point across. The last person will wear a 2-by-4 suspended by some rope and strung from their shoulders. When people ask what you are, you tell them “A bat a bat a SWING, a battah battah.”
Off the leash
This one comes with a lot of freedom. All five of you need to wear dog costumes. Any dog you want: golden, Dalmatian or poodle if you’re a little off. The only stipulation is that you need to dangle a “Cars” DVD or Blu-ray from a stick and dangle it in front of you. You get to shrug at people and say, “Just dogs chasing Cars.”
The patriot
Every holiday is the Fourth of July if you’re a proud American. This Halloween, you and your friends are going to do some arts and crafts. Take five white shirts and paint a single American flag across all five of them. Put them on and stand side by side as a tribute to your nation. It is important that these shirts are one size too large, allowing them to billow. You gotta billow.
Seeing red
Four red Power Ranger costumes and one Pink Ranger. You’ll need to yell at your friends a lot to sell this one. If your friend group is like mine, it’ll be a walk in the park. Just go to town about how YOU were supposed to be the Red Ranger and never give ground. If you are the Pink Ranger, pick between “It’s for breast cancer awareness” and “I was told I couldn’t be blue.”
Gang’s all here
Ideally, you can either paint your legs or get your hands on knee-high socks with big Smurfs on them. As a flourish, you can even wear a blue shirt and white cap. When you and your friends are together, you form a Smurf village.