Trump’s America: Build that Wall

GAGE SKIDMORE | Photo Courtesy
Make America Great Again?

On Wednesday, Donald Trump signed executive orders to start building The Wall.

Forget how much money in taxes this will call for. Forget the amount of tax dollars it will cost you. Forget the people who never asked for it. Forget Flint. Forget all of the things that our money needs to be spent on.

Rest assured, Mexico will pay. This is a fact that our president makes sure to tell all Americans. Mexico will pay.

In a strange turn of events, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto disputed what Trump said.

I regret and condemn the decision of the United States to continue construction of a wall that, for years, has divided us instead of uniting us Mexico does not believe in walls,” Nieto said. “I have said it time and again: Mexico will not pay for any wall.

Forget that statement. Forget it all and focus on one thing.

Trump is going to build the wall.

We have stopped funding to a clinic, Planned Parenthood, that helps women by supplying, birth control, helpful reproduction education and cancer screenings. We have done this because that certain clinic also offers abortions. This is going to affect millions of women negatively.

Trump is going to build the wall.

As of right now, we have an administration that is offering “alternative facts.” We live in a time now where science is okay to question and neglect.

Forget facts, forget the overall governing purpose of science. These facts we observe through science, they are up for debate and discussion according to our new president. Global warming, remember, is just a façade invented by the Chinese. We might kill the planet and force out progress to green technologies. But …

… Trump is going to build the wall.

As of Jan. 27, 2017, President Trump signed orders to ban Syrian refugees from coming into our nation. An order that seems to defy the very American ideal.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

This quote comes from Emma Lazarus, it is known as the quote on the Statue of Liberty.

Instead, now we live in a nation of fear. In a nation overrun by hatred. A nation where we are unable to take responsibility for the issues within our own borders and would rather point a finger towards a brown person instead.

A nation where racists are out in the open.

Trump is going to build the wall.

I can see nothing but hatred. I can see nothing but racism. I can see nothing other than people ignorant to scientific facts. People who have been fooled. People who have been told for far too long that it was someone else’s fault. So maybe, this is why they thought America needed to be made great again.

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