Review: Sally Boy stuns with self-titled project ‘EREZ’

Sally Boy Twitter | Photo Courtesy
The singer has seen a rapid rise in popularity in the past three months

This represents the artist’s debut EP

With the genre of indie-pop music becoming more crowded than ever, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for artists to break big. That seems to be no issue for rising singer Erez Potok-Holmes, aka Sally Boy.

Potok-Holmes, a Los Angeles native, is no stranger to the music industry. Having been in a band for a few years already, he made the challenging decision to depart the group and embark on a solo adventure. Beginning with nearly nothing except some singing/songwriting experience and knowledge of the music industry, Sally Boy has seen an impressive rise in solo fame already.

Despite only releasing three songs before the EP, Sally Boy demands that his voice be heard with the release of his first full-length project. Over seven songs and a mere 18 minutes, the artist sings, raps and quite simply, fascinates.

Following in the footsteps of other indie-pop artists Dominic Fike and Mac Ayres, among others, Sally Boy delivers a smooth blend of guitars and mellow drums layered with his signature crooning vocals.

With a project this small and critically acclaimed, it’s hard to determine standout tracks when they appear to be receiving similar, significant love. All three pre-released singles, the self-titled “Sally Boy,” and other hits “Stormy” and “Sippy Cup,” have seen a rise in attention through their inclusion on the album.

While each track is a stellar, glorious representation of him and his artistic creation, the project flies by without a glance. Some could argue that the EP is too short to make an impact, but it could also be seen as a mere preview into what he has in store for his fans in the future.

In this taunting preview, however, Sally Boy offers a multitude of genres to come, as well as a showcase of the many instruments he can implement in a single chorus. After learning to play the piano as a child, he picked up how to play guitar, drums and creating blends of these instruments in the studio. It’s simply remarkable to hear in the short project that is Sally Boy and will be exciting to hear in the coming projects his fans have yet to hear from him.

While the artist is still on the rise and not well-known, that’s all bound to change within the coming months. His R&B/Pop blend that offers a bright distraction from everything around us is more than enough to put him on everyone’s radar.

Review: 4.5/5

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