memorial union

No Classes Doesn’t Mean Closed Campus

memorial union
The Memorial Union’s building hours vary from holidays to class breaks.

The last holiday before winter break is a less than a week away for North Dakota State.

But just because Thanksgiving is a holiday doesn’t mean NDSU is closed for four days.

While no classes are held, many buildings are still open, changing their hours around the holidays and days with no classes, such as the Dec. 19-Jan. 10 break between fall and spring semesters.

Hours are different in buildings, with some not even open for the day or even a couple days.

Dining centers are not an exception to these closings and different hours over campus breaks and closings.

NDSU’s three dining centers will close Nov. 26-28, with only the Residence Dining Center open 4-8 p.m. Nov. 29.

During the students’ break between semesters in December and January, all dining centers will be closed.

ndsu library
The NDSU Library only closes on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.

The RDC will open 4-8 p.m. Jan. 10, with all dining centers returning to regular hours the next day.

The NDSU Library is typically closed when NDSU’s campus closes.

Chris Martin, head of access services, said the library is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.

During the winter and spring breaks, the library is open 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., he added, with exceptions to those hours listed on the library’s webpage.

The library will close on Nov. 26 and 28 and again Dec. 19, 20, 25-27.

The library will be fully staffed and if students want to see if the library is open and what the hours are they can always check the up-to-date main library website.


Martin said, “In cases of weather emergencies where we may have to close unexpectedly, we will try to post a news update on the library’s homepage.”

The Memorial Union will also close on Nov. 26 and 28.

However, during Thanksgiving week, the MU will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

During students’  winter semester break, the MU will be closed every Saturday and Sunday.

On Dec. 24,  the Union will be open until noon, and will be closed Dec. 25.

On New Year’s Eve the Union will be open until 4 p.m. and will be closed on Jan. 1-3. On Jan. 10, the union will be open from 3-7 p.m. as students are returning to campus for classes the next day.

On official holidays, student are able to park in any lot with or without a parking pass.

However, if the university is still open and it is a class break, all parking regulations still apply.

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