Mother Nature’s Liquid Life is Coffee

Coffee is why and how I wake up.

We all know college is filled with mornings after. Mornings after you stayed up binge-watching “Shameless” all night, even though you knew you had an 8 a.m. class that requires attendance.

Or cram sessions in the library after you decided it was a good idea to go out and drink your liver into oblivion the night before a huge exam.

Or possibly you were up Snapchatting your crush until four in the morning because you didn’t want to be the first person to crash due to dangerously low amounts of REM sleep.

Admit it, we’ve all had those days where we wouldn’t make it to the end without three mugs of piping hot coffee running through our body.

Mother nature’s liquid life is coffee. To some, this gorgeous desirable dark beverage is more valuable than cash on a particularly rough morning where you can’t keep your eyelids open for more than a minute at a time.

Not only does the sensation of caffeine pulsing through your veins change the entire outlook on the day for the better but also the aroma that comes along with it will spark a certain pleasurable fire in your brain.

To those of you who have never tried this delicious miracle of a beverage because you assume you are going to hate it: there is something seriously wrong with your mentality.

Is it too bitter to you say? Well add a little cream and stop acting like you are better than the rest of us for not needing the magical powers of caffeine to contribute to your daily life. Quit putting the garbage acid that is Monster Energy or Surge into your body, and switch to something more natural.

“It’s my favorite narcotic,” my editor, Erik Jonnason II, said when discussing the popularity of this life-saving drink. Coffee is cheap, it’s easy and it puts you in a euphoric mood for any day. Coffee wins and if you disagree you are wrong.

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