Kristen Hawkins speaks at pro-life BisonCatholic event

On Tuesday, Jan. 24, the BisonCatholic student organization held a pro-life event with guest Keynote speaker Kristan Hawkins. She was contacted by Chloe Kramer, a peer minister of BisonCatholic who hosted and led the organization of the event. 

“I am on a leadership team for the organization that Kristan Hawkins runs, Students for Life of America,” Kramer explained. “My boss and I messaged her to come and speak with the pro-life students here, as well as NDSU Students for Life and BisonCatholic.”

Hawkins is a pro-life, grassroots advocate, and President of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action. She travels to different states on speaking tours and attends college campus pro-life events, sharing her advocacy to end abortion. 

Macie Sanderson, a student at NDSU and President of BisonCatholic, worked with her fellow peer ministers to help put together the event. 

“We thought of the event in the fall semester,” Sanders shared. “The pro-life versus pro-choice argument is so relevant in today’s society. We hope that, whoever comes tonight, their hearts are softened to what Kristen has to say. We hope people who are listening are loved and known.”

A total of 6 protesters showed up to protest Hawkins’ speech and the pro-life event. They carried signs that read “keep abortion legal”. One man, recording the event on his phone, spoke against the audience for attending.

“We are very passionate members of the community. We are not going anywhere and we hope she can hear us,” one protester commented when asked her opinion. 

“The next question is what to do next in a post-Roe world, I am always thinking about what is next,” Kristen stated. “What’s next is starting and sustaining pro-life students on college campuses. Not many realize how huge of a demographic there is of pro-life college students.”

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