How to Romanticize Fall

“Learn to romanticize your life” is a phrase that is often seen and heard online, especially on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. And, though it is true that one should not be TOO focused on creating an idyllic, picturesque life (because it is ultimately impossible), romanticizing can make the monotony of everyday life seem a little more fun and/or bearable.

I personally love the fall season and I’m sure many others do as well, which makes it an easier time of year to romanticize. Thus, here are some autumnal activities to help romanticize your life and break the monotony of the school days.

The first—and perhaps most obvious—activity is to visit a pumpkin patch. There are a few pumpkin patches around the area that can be visited. One pumpkin patch is actually very close to home: Lil’ Bitz Pumpkin Patch. Around 6 miles west of the airport, this pumpkin patch opens Sept. 14 and includes a variety of activities such as picking pumpkins, horse-drawn wagon rides and a corn maze.

Additionally, Buffalo River Pumpkin Patch—located in Glyndon, Minnesota (about 20 minutes from Fargo)—opens Sept. 21 and also includes many activities such as duck races and a general store to browse.

If you do not want to wait a moment longer, Tim’s Pumpkin Patch in Hunter, North Dakota (40-50 minutes from Fargo) opened Aug. 31 and, while the aforementioned pumpkin patches are only open on weekends, Tim’s Pumpkin Patch is open all week and even includes a bakery that can be visited without purchasing admission. They also have events such as a movie night on Sept. 20 and a dog night on Sept. 26.

If you do not want to and/or are unable to travel to a pumpkin patch to appreciate the fall weather, there are other options for enjoying the fresh air. Especially once the leaves have turned colorful, a long walk in the brisk autumn air is beautiful. You do not even have to stray too far—walking around campus on a chilly Sunday morning in the fall is fun and still has beautiful scenery. 

If you are not an outdoorsy person (valid), there are indoor activities to do as well. One, if you have the ability, is to bake autumnal foods. This could range anywhere from molasses cookies to pumpkin bread to apple cinnamon crumble. There are so many recipes for every skill level from beginner to expert, you should undoubtedly find something that you will enjoy. If you do not have access to a sufficient kitchen or simply cannot bake, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the baked goods from the various local bakeries in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

When all else fails, it is never a bad idea to put on an autumnal movie or TV show to get into the festive spirit in a more low-key manner. Fantastic Mr. Fox, Dead Poets Society, and Knives Out are some of the movies generally considered autumnal with Gilmore Girls and Over the Garden Wall being the main fall-related TV shows that are circled around the internet. 

In all, there are many different fall-related activities that can be done alone or with friends to help you romanticize and appreciate the season before we reach the cold, snowy winter.

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