How-To Get Motivated

I believe getting motivated to return to school after a long break is one of the most significant first-world problems in this day and age. If you’re like me, you had no responsibilities over break, and just opening your laptop is something that could qualify as a chore. 

Being motivated is the key to making it through these first few weeks because the transition of not only your lifestyle but your mindset from break life to college life is something that will definitely take some getting used to. 

In this article, I’m going to give you a few ways that you can get motivated and stay motivated for this next semester because let’s face it, we need all the help we can get. 

Dress to Impress

One of the most basic things I think anyone can do to put forth an air of confidence and readiness for the semester is to dress to impress. What I mean by this is that you should wear whatever makes you feel most confident because, as one of the laws of motivation states, when you look good, you feel good. 

Having an outfit you can look forward to wearing the next day might just give you that extra motivation to get out of bed. Plus, you can trick yourself into going to classes because why get all dressed up if you can’t show it off? 

Make a Study Playlist

Next, something I like to do at the start of every semester is to make a playlist filled with all my favorite songs. Not only can you use this for your main character walks, but it can also double as a study playlist. 

If you’re someone who has a hard time focusing when your favorite music is on, you can also take the route of looking up something like a movie soundtrack or anything instrumental. 

I am currently more into instrumentals, so my favorite genre of music to play while I’m studying or really doing any type of work is jazz. There’s just something about it that makes me feel ready to take on whatever I need to finish and stay focused. 


Another way you can get motivated is by staying organized. I know this one probably sounds pretty boring, but I’ve found that the more I feel prepared and like I’m in control, the more likely I am to feel motivated to put forward my best work. 

Having your syllabi downloaded, your assignments for all of your classes accounted for, and an overall good understanding of what the class will look like can make all the difference. Not only will this help you get motivated, but if you keep with it, you might also stay motivated. 

Make Being An Academic Weapon Fun

Another hack I have for you on motivation when it comes to academics is getting new school supplies or simply using what you have on hand in new ways. 

For me personally, this would mean actually taking my notebook out of my bad to take notes, maybe using my highlighters to help me highlight important reading material, and even using things like sticky notes to make to-do lists. 

I know that when I put more effort into what I’m doing and actually start caring about what I’m learning crazy things can happen, like actually understanding the material. 

Find Balance

My last and what I’d say is the most important tip I can give you is to make sure you have balance in your life. Being able to work really hard on a project but also allowing yourself to get supper with friends will help you to avoid burnout which is a game changer when it comes to not only staying motivated but staying disciplined. 

Being able to have fun in the midst of your busy life will make more of a change than you might think, so I highly recommend that you set time aside to do something you enjoy whether it be hanging out with friends, working on a hobby, or simply taking a nap when you need that rest. 


I know coming back to college can seem like a lot, but if you take it one day at a time, you’ll soon be all the way through the semester and not even realize it. Welcome back and good luck this semester!


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